Brittany Tagliareni

Brittany Tagliareni

"Before Special Olympics, my life was pretty boring. I didn’t have many friends and I wasn’t very active, now I have friends from all over the world. I practice tennis 5-6 days a week and work out 3 days a week. It is a demanding schedule, but I truly love my life."


"I was born with Autism and was nonverbal. I also have Agraxia and Digspraxima, which makes speech difficult for me as well as difficulty with fine motor skills. I love tennis, but I have to work hard because of my challenges. I also have perception problems so I have to really focus to hit the ball." Brittany has been a Special Olympics athlete for over 9 years and, despite facing obstacles throughout her journey, has been exceptionally successful on the court. An accomplished Tennis player, Brittany has taken home a 2017 ESPY Honorary Award, gold medals at Special Olympics Florida State Games, a silver medal at the Special Olympics World Games in Greece, as well as multiple gold medals at the most recent 2018 USA Games in Seattle. When asked how Special Olympics and the USA Games has impacted her life she had this to say;"It has changed my life in ways I could never imagine. It is a great honor to compete in the USA games and makes me realize that all my hard training and practice has paid off."When she's not on the court playing tennis or working out she volunteers at a pet training program because she loves all animals, but she has a special affection for dogs. She also enjoys other hobbies such as listening to music, singing, and dancing.


